I Quit..I totally quit smoking now...that's a great achievement for me..hehe..It was hard for me to stop for the first time (
a lot of tries before)..Hmm, maybe some of my friends didn't know that I'm a smoker..hehe..At first, it was
only a try for me to smoke just to know how does it feel..But then, it became my
bad habit (
haiz..menyesal)..until one day, I've realize that this habit just wasting my money and harm my body and I could gain nothing from it. Since then I've try to stop smoking..If you want to quit smoking,
it was all begin in your heart, if you believe and strong enough,
then you can do it (
mcm pakar motivasi pula)..And thanks to GOD, now I've quit smoking for about 2 months already..
Hey my friends, stop smoking..It's bad for your health
Add..saya ucapkan tahniah... hehehe tau ka sa sgt trkejut tahu ko smoking...ko gtau tym kita mau p church dulu..huhu im speechless n a bit dissapointed la tym tu hehe...well tym tu I thought ada jg org (a.k.a lelaki) yg x smoking..hehe tp apa2 pn sa harap keadaan ini akan kekal n chayo2!!! XD
ReplyDeleteTq..ingat juga ko masa tu ooo..hehe..speechless n disappointed lg tu..huhu..hmm..mmg sy stop suda ni lidra. smua tu dtg dari niat sndiri juga ba kan..hehe..lg satu merugikan ba..sy pun harap keadaan ini akan kekal..hehe..